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Budget Portal
Budget Portal
Select Budget Year: (₹ Crore)
Items 2021-22
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A. Revenue Receipts 116640.24 132724.66 135418.67 126837.06 138655.17
1. State Tax Revenue 58340.52 71968.16 81038.77 77038.25 84883.51
2. State Non-Tax Revenue 10462.51 15117.96 17088.62 16853.05 18356.46
3. Central Govt. Transfers 47837.21 45638.54 37291.28 32945.76 35415.2
i) Share of Central Taxes 17820.09 18260.68 21425.25 21285.56 23882.40
ii) Grant-in- Aid 30017.12 27377.86 15866.03 11660.20 11532.80
B. Capital Receipts 46497.85 26490.32 40634.78 41507.11 45631.48
1. Recoveries of Loans 479.24 409.29 941.75 1058.73 1076.90
2. Other Receipts 60.27 49.94 66.30 49.94 66.30
3. Borrowings and Other Liabilities 45958.34 26031.09 39626.73 40398.44 44488.28
a. Public Debt (Net) 29032.13 18026.41 28552.79 31998 35988.28
b. Public Account (Net) 16926.21 8004.68 11073.94 8400.44 8500
C.Total Receipts (A+B) 163138.09 159214.98 176053.45 168344.17 184286.65
D. Non Plan Expenditure 8500 128765.74 160004.69 189668.69 200699.62
1. On Revenue Account 127746.49 158569.01 181984.16 173561.35 191579.53
a. Of which Interest Payments 23302.82 25176.36 26246.99 26843.18 28694.24
2. On Capital Account 984.05 775.74 6111.67 722.47 7547.82
3.On Loan Disbursements 35.2 659.94 1572.86 662.29 1572.27
E.Plan Expenditure (including CSS) 34459.79 39201.65 30741.14 41895.49 30685.19
1. On Revenue Account 18433.02 21091.06 19066.23 24080.89 18836.22
2. On Capital Account 13207.68 15979.61 11125.26 15890.34 11258.34
3. On Loan Disbursements 2819.09 2130.98 549.65 1924.26 590.63
F.Total Expenditure (D+E) 163225.53 199206.34 220409.83 216841.6 231384.81
1. Revenue Expenditure 146179.51 179660.07 201050.39 197642.24 210415.75
2. Capital Expenditure 14191.73 16755.35 17236.93 16612.81 18806.16
3. On Loan Disbursements 2854.29 2790.92 2122.51 2586.55 2162.9
G. Revenue surplus/deficit (A-F(1)) -29539.27 -46935.41 -65631.72 -70805.18 -71760.58
H. Fiscal Deficit (A+B(1)+B(2))-F -46045.78 -66022.45 -83983.11 -88895.87 -91586.44
I. Primary Deficit (H-D(1a)) -22742.96 -40846.09 -57736.12 -62052.69 -62892.2